A large pharma company wanted to design and deploy a web-based dashboard that would allow the Prescription Digital Therapeutics (PDT) team to determine where the market opportunity is, based on the distribution of forecasted patients at a county by county level.
In the project’s first phase, we selected data sources and scored the opportunity areas. We combined patient-specific and non-patient-specific data sources to create a comprehensive county-level database. We aligned on key data metrics associated with PDT uptake, then scored counties through a created PLAN score system to derive a county level ranking list.
In phase 2, we developed a patient distribution methodology. This enabled us to derive national predicted PDT patients through patient funnel steps with adjustable input assumptions. The system enabled users to adjust various inputs to distribute forecasted PDT patients at a county level. Finally, our team developed a dynamic and user-friendly web-based dashboard. The interface allowed users to adjust input assumptions and display outputs in both map view and table view to locate areas of market opportunity.
The dashboard allows the client to find key opportunity areas for PDT uptake, which additionally could support targeting strategies and field force sizing. This project was particularly useful for the client since it not only allowed them to prioritize key target areas based on likely PDT uptake, but dynamically adjust key drivers of PDT uptake as market knowledge became more readily available.